Tuesday 25 October 2011

Who The Bloody Hell Fucked With My Head?!

Headaches. Need I say any more? They are, probably, the worst ache a human can get given. Terrible.
And today, I woke up with the mother of all headaches. It hurts so much, I basically didn't move for 2 hours after I woke up. Actually, I think I'm getting my lovely girlfriend's cold that she's been bitching about for the last week. This cold is made up of oh so many wonderful symptoms - sore throat, phlegm, dizziness, feeling sick and my favourite, headaches! I feel like someone has walked in in the night, and basically battered me with a club, and fucked off.

Yet it is a day off for me today, so maybe a relaxing day of Pokemon and TV will go down a treat. Not that I really do anything else, but when you're ill, everything you do feels like a treat. Except sex. That just feels like you're on a small boat with sea sickness.

Au Revoir G Spots

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