Sunday 23 October 2011

The Morning After The Night Before

Sorry folks, this post isn't as interesting as I'm making out in my title. Didn't drink, so there's no hangover, and went to bed at 2am (well, me personally 3am - I was on Pokemon). There's no hidden story or fun anecdote from last night, I just happened to win the two games of 'Magic' I played. Or should I say got bullied into playing?!
Now though, I'm feeling it! Shattered I am, absolutely shattered. I'm not a morning person. And I get it, half of you fuckers out there aren't morning people either, but this is my blog and I'll blog what I want! Ha! But yes, not a morning person. No way. Wake up, and don't want to talk. It's not the breath-smells-like-dog-shit thing, it's more that I can't be fucked. I just woke up, I don't want to concentrate about anything in the morning apart from keeping myself awake. As for having to move. That's another kettle of fish entirely (random tangent alert; WTF is a kettle of fish? Who the fuck ever thought of putting fish in the kettle?). Movement in the morning should be kept minimal. And, ironically, if I don't do some sort of 'thing' in the morning, I feel it's been wasted. What a conundrum of a pickle I'm in, but I manage. Crisis averted people, I manage to both relax and do stuff. How I hear you ask? Well - what am I doing now? Blogging, but lazing here care free...until the girlfriend comes out of the shower and moans that I'm wasting my Sunday morning 'blogging unnecessarily and wasting my day'.

I'll be off now G Spots. From your big papa G String, have a good Sunday.

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