Friday 21 October 2011


It just occurs to me, at 17:42 (5:42 to you non-24 hour lazy assed people) that I, of all people, haven't actually eaten today. Not only that, but I'm not hungry now either. WTF is all I can say to that. I don't even get why. I'm not sick (for once in my life) so where's the appetite gone? And I checked the fridge, it isn't there.
But, and this is like me, I do want to eat. Ever get that? It may just be me, but even if I'm not hungry, I nearly always want to eat. Ridiculous, but it's almost a past time for me. If I get bored, I eat, why not? It's fun, you get to make stuff, you then get the pleasure of eating it down (should I have replaced eating with wolfing?) and then the very snug satisfaction of being full. A feeling that can't be beaten - full. One that always follows a roast. And I mean ALWAYS!
Not only that, but that damn pile of washing up didn't actually take as long as I fucking predicted! I've done over half in the last half an hour and have two things on my mind about it. 1, why the hell did I put it off for so long, it only takes half an hour to an hour. 2, why the fuck doesn't my girlfriend push me to clean when we have to move crap out of the way to use the microwave. But, as long as I solve 1, I'm not too fussed about 2. Truth be told, if she did nag at me about it, I'd be less inclined to do it. Swings and roundabouts my dear G Spots, ain't that what life is all about!

And slides. I feel a good sliding now and then goes down a treat.

Not to bore you all now, but I am going to talk about my other hobbies at some stage. Just now, you're not worth my time. I really should be showering (as if that will happen), or even shaving (ha!), but am definitely not doing this anymore. I've got a DSi XL with Pokemon in it literally screaming my name (Pokemon White to those interested)

Once again G Spots, see ya next time...maybe...

1 comment:

  1. I spose I'd better comment so you don't look like a complete loner :P
