Monday 24 October 2011

Once Again, A Blog Containing Information On Me Sitting On My ASS!!!

Yeah, tis true, I am blogging once again, from the same place - my bed, in my living room, sitting on my a-hole. I bring you no new news really. Nothing too exciting has occurred. I did get myself £30 from CEX for exchanging some shit, but that's not really worthy of being dubbed under the 'news' title now does it?
Actually, to be honest, this is one of those blogs that doesn't blog blog. I mean, I'm here blogging right now, watching my younger bro (following under the name Laughton, and owning blog Awesome Awesome Games) play LBP2 (Little Big Planet 2, is case you were curious), having just been beaten by him, twice, at 'Magic The Gathering', within 1 hour.

You'd have thought this far into it, I would have some sort of story or point to what I'm writing. But my telepathic pen has run dry for now. Yep, no brain ink today. Well I suppose there was this one thing by the hole in the wall earlier, that sparked an occurrence of thoughts, but is it worth blogging about?

I mean, basically, the mum, and she was a nice decent person, and probably a good mum, joked to her daughter not to repeat the words she said again, otherwise she will, and I quote, "kill her". I know the intention was a joke. The daughter took it as a joke. No one else thought any more of it. But I couldn't help thinking that's just not what you say to your daughter! You don't threaten to kill them. I mean, even if it is a joke, you don't, or shouldn't, do that! I mean, really, saying you're going to kill someone, in nearly any context, shouldn't be a joke. It's death here people. It's serious shit! But, this is the world we live in (to quote Genesis). Maybe a 'ha ha now die' is good every now and then?

Now, to borrow from the Renegade (Laughton, as I referred to later), G String out!

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