Monday 14 November 2011


Yeah, I know, it's been a while! I have had a very stressful time, tbh folks, and no, I'm not just making shit up! I have, unfortunately, also lost my job (booooooooo) but nothings gonna hold me down. And look, I'm making my graceful return to the computer screen!
As if being stressed at home isn't enough, this morning is one of those mornings where I've woken up ill. I don't know what it is, it happens every now and then, but I feel kinda nauseous and dizzy. Like I've been sleeping on a frikking boat all night.
I'll keep on here again G Strings, don't you worry. One momentary lapse, promise.


P.S - keep an eye out for 'Awesome Awesome Games' post, I have inside knowledge he got the new Halo today.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Poke Post #1

The inevitable has happened. My 1st Pokemon related post.

I'm currently on a few games, that all run alongside each other. Pokemon Black has me a team of six (Simisage, Simipour, Simisear, Beartic, Ferrothorn and Chandelure). I am just about to beat Ghetsis. For those of you who don't know Pokemon Black, he's the big baddie! On Pokemon Pearl, I have Bibarel, Manectric, Dodrio, Roserade, Kricketune and Piloswine. On that game, I've just beaten the 7th Gym. I also have Pokemon Platinum, yet that has recently broke, meaning I lost the Pokemon I had on there (Lapras, Machop, Ponyta, Murkrow, Gabite and Bronzong). I was at the 4th gym, but will now have to buy a new one! On Pokemon SoulSilver, I have a Victrebel, a Golem, a Yanmega, a Feraligatr, a Ninetales and a Fearow. On this game, I have reached the league, and am just about to battle Lance, the Pokemon Champion, before being granted into the Kanto region. Pokemon Diamond used to be my hub. I had all the Pokemon, and was merely training them up. Hence why I have so many other games on the go. They would train up a team of six (either specifically bred, or caught in-game) and then traded back to the hub, restarted and done all over again. Until I got Pokemon White that is.

Pokemon White is now my hub, with 4 level 100's, plenty of level 80's, an an almost full Pokedex (647/649 (need a Kecleon and Spinda from previous games)). Whilst I am awaiting to catch them in a swarm on Diamond, I am just training Pokemon up, ready to obtain the stars for my trainer card.

Eventually, after I have caught the two swarm Pokemon on Diamond, I will restart it and trade across Pokemon to level up. But Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are becoming boring, as I have played the story through so many times. Platinum is still keeping me entwined, as when I 'finish' the game, to convert them to Pokemon White, they come across at level 70 odd. On D/P, they come across around level 55, which only means I have to train them more on White. But I can't restart Diamond for a while anyway. My brother, follower named Laughton, has Pokemon on there waiting for when he gets back into it. The Pokemon are as follows; a level 71 Aggron, a level 71 Umbreon, a level 61 Houndoom, a level 100 Groudon, a level 71 Espeon, a level 61 Flygon, a level 73 Blastoise, a level 71 Feraligatr, a level 63 Ampharos, a level 42 Lucario, a level 100 Rayquaza, and his cherished, level 100 Blaziken.

I will keep on updating my Poke-progress for you peeps! G String out x

Unlucky Blog 13?

Well, no, the blog isn't unlucky, but I do remain to hold the same sheer illness I was plagued with yesterday. It feels harsh, but I'll push through. As long as I'm healthier for the get together at my friends on Friday night. Gaming once again! 'Magic The Gathering', 'Mortal Kombat vs DC', maybe more, I dunno yet. Need to be better for that!
What's on the cards for me today? Well, work was cancelled, so yet another day off really! Cleaning, though, is the trump card I've drawn with that hand! But I'll be, fingers crossed, doing some drawing for my illustrated stories later also. I need to do not only the character concepts, but also draw the scenes that I have made space for in the story so far. But I also need to continue to write it. My target for it is to be done by Christmas, so I can get it published, whilst I start on story 2!

No doubt, G Spots, I'll blog again later. But for now, I'm off. BYE BYE!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

WTF Is Dappy?

Okay, rant alert, because I've heard his song enough times now to have formed an opinion on it all. And that is, WTF! Okay, firstly, what's with his new song? Yes, the song is catchy, but what's with all these ridiculous references? Are they just of people who are incredibly more talented then him (and yes, I'm including his references to the characters Marty McFly and Frank Gallagher too)? Or are they just people with a better dress sense and who I'd rather meet? I mean c'mon Dappy, be inventive!
So N Dubz wasn't exactly middle of the road with their lyrics, at least they were enjoyable to listen too. Well, until they fucked off to America, and ruined their uniqueness. But N Dubz were decent, to say the least. But looking at it, why? Tulisa - yeah, she can sing, she has probably got a comfortable and more successful solo career on the horizon, but seriously how did N Dubz stay around with Dappy on the scene?
With a moustache which, to be frank, will look decent when puberty hits, and a fucking nobhead of a hat, Dappy has definately got a questionable appearance. And then, he comes out with the spiel that he claims to be rapping, that I for one, just can't get on board with. Yes, some of it's clever, but I'm over his existence. Nothing seems new, nothing seems fresh. Dappy is nothing more than a skid mark on the music industry. And don't get me started on the pointlessness of bandmate Fazer!

And this isn't an attack on him as a person. I'm sure the scrappy kid from Camden is pleasant to be around. But as a musician? Shite. To be frank, he's shite. I will enjoy his music from time to time, when I have nothing better to listen to, and sing along to the annoying earworm lyrics he has oh so wildly created from his little useless imagination. Let's just hope his next song is something original or different maybe. Maybe even enjoyable.

Rant over G Spots

Who The Bloody Hell Fucked With My Head?!

Headaches. Need I say any more? They are, probably, the worst ache a human can get given. Terrible.
And today, I woke up with the mother of all headaches. It hurts so much, I basically didn't move for 2 hours after I woke up. Actually, I think I'm getting my lovely girlfriend's cold that she's been bitching about for the last week. This cold is made up of oh so many wonderful symptoms - sore throat, phlegm, dizziness, feeling sick and my favourite, headaches! I feel like someone has walked in in the night, and basically battered me with a club, and fucked off.

Yet it is a day off for me today, so maybe a relaxing day of Pokemon and TV will go down a treat. Not that I really do anything else, but when you're ill, everything you do feels like a treat. Except sex. That just feels like you're on a small boat with sea sickness.

Au Revoir G Spots

Monday 24 October 2011

Something Quick

No, this won't be interesting, just wanted to say that I'm on Twitter and have a Facebook page too.

Twitter account is gslaughton, but has very little to do with the blog.
Facebook page is 'Something Snazzy'

Thanks G Spots :D Ciao x

I Should Stop Inviting My Brother Round...

Well what can I say? He is too tough! Not physically - I mean that boy is a weed (joke bro, joke!) but at games, he's a prodigy! Can't beat him at Xbox or PS3 games, well rarely anyway, and today just lost 4/5 games of 'Magic The Gathering' against him too! Why do I continue to bring him round just to get my ass kicked?

What I can beat him at, and yes, I'm mentioning it again, is Pokemon. I await the day he gets a DS and Pokemon, and once again, I will rule!!!!!!!