Monday 14 November 2011


Yeah, I know, it's been a while! I have had a very stressful time, tbh folks, and no, I'm not just making shit up! I have, unfortunately, also lost my job (booooooooo) but nothings gonna hold me down. And look, I'm making my graceful return to the computer screen!
As if being stressed at home isn't enough, this morning is one of those mornings where I've woken up ill. I don't know what it is, it happens every now and then, but I feel kinda nauseous and dizzy. Like I've been sleeping on a frikking boat all night.
I'll keep on here again G Strings, don't you worry. One momentary lapse, promise.


P.S - keep an eye out for 'Awesome Awesome Games' post, I have inside knowledge he got the new Halo today.